Vol. 19: "Art"

...and forever, content on thenewinquiry.com will be available, online for free to all. The New Inquiry has no traffic-seeking advertisers, no string-pulling benefactors, and no paywall. Instead, we have a...

Sunday Reading

...somewhere more authentically artificial. "There's a strong, specifically technocratic conflation between efficiency and good in Silicon Valley" "Drones date online, but drones don’t think about it the way that humans...


...role of aesthetics in political economy and how the circulation of Asian babies alongside cute animals online further propagates white-supremacist savior complexes. “From the view of the adopting nation-states, they...

Loving the Alien

...diets, children, psychological health, online dating profile picture, standardized test scores, and so on. In Foucault’s terms, Western economies shifted from the mechanical reproduction of commodities to the biopolitical intensification...