This Week in Art Crime

So this is the ignorant piece of shit that took it upon himself to buff the @steveespopowers Kurt Ville mural. When I asked if he knew it was a commissioned piece by a world renown artist he said he did and he didn't give a shit. He claimed it attracted graffiti to the neighborhood!


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Bristol Old Vic

The show was a forerunner to the Bristol Proms, launched by Mr Morris as a more “accessible and informal” alternative to the traditional classical concerts, which will start next month.

Before the performance, Mr Morris invited the audience to bring their drinks into the standing area in front of the stage and instructed them: “Clap or whoop when you like, and no shushing other people.”

But Dr Glowacki, a Royal Society Research Fellow, was so overcome during the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ he began lurching from side to side with his hands raised and whooping before attempting to crowd-surf, witnesses claimed.

Irritated by the distraction, audience members proceeded to physically eject the Bristol University academic from the area, in what Mr Morris claims is the first such incident at a classical concert since the 18th century.


Dr. David Glowacki

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ARCA '14 Art Crime Conference: Program for second (and last) day...

Amelia, Umbria - Sunday, June 24, 2014

9:00 -10:00 am:  The Mental Condition and its Role in Art Crime
Panel chaired by Liza Weber, ARCA 2014 participant

‘It’s beyond my control’  An historic and psychiatric investigation into the claim of bibliomania
Anna Knutsson MA (Hon) University of St. Andrews, Research Editor Smith Library

Art Vandalism from a Forensic Behavioral Perspective

Frans Koenraadt PhD, Professor, Universiteit Utrecht, Willem Pompe Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology


11:15 am: Coffee Break

11:30 am-12:45 pm: Smart Collecting and Connoisseurship and When Art is Stolen
Panel chaired by Noah Charney, ARCA President and Chief Editor, The Journal of Art Crime

What’s wrong with this picture?  Standards and issues of connoisseurship
Tanya Pia Starrett, MA HONS LLB, University of Glasgow, Solicitor

Bicycles vs. Rembrandt
Martin Finkelnberg, Head of the Art and Antiques Crime Unit, National Criminal Intelligence Division, The Netherlands

12:45 – 1:05 pm: Key Note Closing – A look to the future

Is International Law for the Protection of Artistic Freedom Adequate?
Eleni Tokmakidou – Moschouri, PhD University of Manchester, MJur University of Birmingham
Attorney at Law at the Supreme Court of Greece


Farrattini Garden, post art crime conference