Sunday Reading

Sunday Reading is many things, in an unusual order. Sunday Reading is links, de-linked. Sunday Reading repeats itself. Sunday Reading is a good thing. Sunday Reading is a river of meat blood, released to maintain safety. Sunday Reading is a list of links that my friends send me, that I format and paste onto the web. Sunday Reading is a lark, a plunge, a swoop. Sunday Reading is practical. Sunday Reading only ever wants to be loved. Sunday reading is interesting and educational. Sunday Reading is not very carefully organized. Sunday Reading does not use hashtags. Sunday Reading mourns the death of google reader, our comrade. Sunday Reading surprises itself. Sunday Reading believes in the utility of organized chaos. But Sunday Reading also likes jouissance. Sunday Reading eats strange things, and throws up a lot. Sunday Reading is the intellectual property of Manan Ahmed, but we stole it from him, and we're not giving it back. Sunday Reading does not praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue. Sunday Reading keeps Austin weird. #NoDaddy, what did you do during the Sunday Reading? Sunday Reading is irregular, but happens every Sunday, exactly. Sometimes it happens on Saturday. Sunday Reading is in the opposite of any particular order. Sunday Reading collects a lot of things that are interesting, and all of them are probably worth someone’s time. Sunday Reading is most of these things, and some others that weren't listed. Sunday Reading has just broken the flower vase, and at a distance, resembles flies. Sunday Reading is a witch. Sunday Reading is you.

Bint Battuta's archive is a campsite, disordering the disorient. She always reads the world in its context.
Bint Battuta:

Frank Pasquale:

Frank's nickname growing up was "Extreme Inequality and the System Intensifying It." It's still his nickname, but now it's a lot more intense and extreme.

In Soviet Reclaim UC, everything occupies you.

Nathan Jurgenson went to the internet because he wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if he could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when he came to die, discover that he had not lived.
nathan jurgenson

Grace is human. human is Grace. Is.
T. F. Charlton:

Selections from The Feminist Wire's series on masculinities:

On the gender and racial gaps among Wikipedia editors:

Sure, fine, yes. But culture is more complex than that. And so is Kerim.
Kerim Friedman:

When not constructing Sunday Reading, Beingtherewith enjoys constructing zines, baking, fighting, rescuing people, and empathizing.
L. E. Long:

Jacob labors to take the imperial out of the Empire State. Why can't he have a dog?
Jacob Remes: