More than 1,000 people flown in to the small Colorado resort town of Crested Butte for the filming of Anheuser-Busch's Bud Light commercial were having problems leaving the party Sunday evening.
The beer giant paid $500,000 to paint several blocks of a central street blue and otherwise temporarily revamp the town into fictional Whatever, USA, for its "Up for Whatever" campaign. The company said the travel delays stemmed from a large number of people trying to depart the Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport after the two-day event.
"With more than 1,200 consumers attending Whatever, USA, from all points across the country, it takes time to get through a smaller airport," Nick Kelly, a Bud Light spokesman, said in a statement. "We have a process in place to have all of our guests make the return trip home as safely and smoothly as possible."
Read More | "Some unable to leave town turned Bud Light set" | The Associated Press