"Auditory landscapes can also be interpolations between space and time, space and reality, the psycho-social and the geographic, and temporality and memory. The act of listening involves a transitional state between attention and imagination, between sensual experience and understanding or seeking a possible meaning." -Jean-Luc Nancy, Listening
Cinema remains the last medium for speaking and performing love culturally. While much emphasis has been placed on the visual iconography of love, with the exception of music very little attention has been given to love as an aural phenomenon since the tradition and practice of amour courtois. Partly inspired by Christian Marclay’s ontology of time in cinema, THE CLOCK, and René Magritte’s word paintings, which textualized the visual tropes of painting with “written” images, LOVE SOUNDS, a 24-hour sound poem and montage, dematerializes cinema’s visual legacy and reconstitutes it as an all-tonal history of critical listening.
At The Spectacle Theater, LOVE SOUNDS will be presented in four hours over two evenings. Tuesday, November 4th we will screen Part 1 (sections include Desire-Sex, Sexual Politics, Trust-Betrayal and Break-Ups). The following night, Wednesday, November 5th, we will conclude with Part 2 (sections include Heartbreak, Violence-Death, Fate-Time-Memory and Love).
LOVE SOUNDS, an audio history of love in cinema, concludes TNI contributor Masha Tupitsyn’s immaterial trilogy, and will be presented outside of the cinema as a 24-hour sound installation, accompanied by a catalogue published by Penny-Ante.
Both screenings are at the Spectacle Theater, 124 S. 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY