- "Organize or Die"
- "EFF releases 'Unblinking Eyes: The State of Communications Surveillance in Latin America'”
- "Read an overview of what 'Open Access' is in preparation for Open Access Week"
- "#DecolonizeThisPlace Demands Removal of Natural History Museum’s Roosevelt Statue"
- "Project Censored picks the top 25 most censored stories of the year"
- "The agency designed to protect civilians From the police actually protects police from civilians"
- "Noam Chomsky explains the war crimes of every US president from Eisenhower to Clinton"
- "Sonnet 43, illustrated"
- Mel Hurtig (1932-August 2016)[radio 54:24; part two 54:25]
- What place does coal have in Cape Breton's future?
- Lindell Smith and the future of Black politics in Canada
- The history of American vote-rigging is a history of white supremacy.
- You Don’t See Dred Scott Cited Approvingly Everyday.
- Let's make Twitter a coop.
- 7 in 10 UC workers struggle with food insecurity
- "There were a lot of staff hours that were going into delivering toilet paper."
- Why the academic achievement gap is a racist idea
- Student writing in the digital age
- "If you are a tenured (or tenure-track) faculty member teaching in a humanities department with Ph.D. candidates, you are both the instrument and the direct beneficiary of exploitation."
- Why don't non-tenure-track faculty support tenure?
- University bureaucracies grew 15% during the recession, even as budgets were cut and tuition increased
- Marxism and open access in the humanities: turning academic labor against itself
- "Alongside many university administrations, [the client list of this union-busting firm includes] Cablevision, Pfizer, IBM, Volkswagen (now infamous for its dishonesty), and Walmart."
- From schools to debtors' prisons
- How a Chinese company bought access to admissions officers at top US colleges
- Students in New York rise up in solidarity with #FeesMustFall
- Mass incarceration and its mystification
- Liberals for Trump
- Kafka in Area C
- On Wendy Brown
- Ten Theses Against Learning Outcomes
- Brazil Sets Up Boards To Determine Race
- The Debate Over Syria at a Dead End
- Newly Revealed Letters from Heidegger