Clients that want to keep a case private may consider not entering litigation at all. Another option is getting a protective order, which can limit how information about the lawsuit is viewed, but even this isn’t fail safe. “Google has its very own protective order,” said Teppler. “It’s creative. I’m not surprised that it comes from Google.”
No matter what precautions a company takes, Anonymous could still try to attack a firm or its employees. The group regularly opts for denial of service attacks when all else fails. While these attacks are not the most sophisticated, Anonymous is, if anything, extremely persistent.
If you are attacked and want to strike back by suing your hacktivist attackers, you’re probably out of luck. “I think that suing Anonymous is going to be like chopping off the head of a hydra,” said Teppler.
Read More | "Fear of Anonymous is changing how corporate lawyers litigate" | Meghan Kelly | Venturebeat