In some ways, the Columbiners are not so different from the Beliebers. The main difference, of course, is that Justin Bieber is unattainable because he's a famous pop musician, while Harris and Klebold are famous because they are murderers, and unattainable because they are dead. But a girl with a crush has more in common with another girl with a crush than she does with a regular civilian. Both groups tend to speak in the self-consciously cute vernacular of internet teens ("*fangirling*"; "UGH every time i look at him i just flail around for a minute"), making fun of their own intensity even as they indulge it. They appreciate crooked smiles, strong forearms, and boys who write bad poetry about love (Beiber: "If I could just die in your arms/I wouldn't mind"; Klebold: "I, who write this, love you beyond infinince").
Read More | “The Killer Crush: The Horror of Teen Girls, From Columbiners to Beliebers" | Rachel Monroe | the Awl