The student newspaper at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill reported in its police blotter today that another vandalism has occurred against a fraternity. Reports the Daily Tar Heel, “Someone damaged property at Chi Omega at 313 E. Franklin St. between 3:30 and 3:45 am Friday, according to Chapel Hill police reports. The person threw an object into a window and broke it, reports state.”
This was the third or fourth such act to occur within the last two months at the University, which has recently been plagued by bad press for its role in suppressing information about sexual assault on campus, and, after five students submitted a complaint to the US Department of Education, in turn threatening to expel via Honor Court one of the five women for creating an “intimidating environment” on campus for her rapist. The administration and Honor Court’s handling of events has resulted in an uproar, with large amounts of bad press, two protests, a wave of graffiti and wheatpasting on campus, and apparently more attacks on fraternities.
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