Propaganda, Lies and Suppression of Constitutional Rights by the Oakland Mayor’s Office, DA and OPD Nothing Was Desirable: A Review Of ‘Punk In Africa’ Palestine…
...why “privilege” is so importantly different from power or bigotry: privilege must remain ignorant of itself, because it’s the right to enjoy benefits which you aren’t even aware that others get denied...
Everyone who writes about Downton Abbey accepts the premise that the show is a narrative of progress, the fin de siècle story of The Traditional that is about to be (and then is) buffeted by The Onrush of Modernity. It’s to the show’s credit that this is completely wrong.
Political Movements in Bahrain, Past, Present, and Future What We Owe to Each Other: An Interview with David Graeber, Part 1 and Part 2. The Moscow Protests, part one, two, three,…
In 1893, Mary Kingsley found herself with six months to kill, so she went to Africa. But the thing about being a Victorian lady is that you can go to the Gold Coast, but you can't get away from the mansplaining...
If anything, the limitation of this big book is actually that it’s not big enough, that it gestures towards -- without fully including – so very much that is within the ken of its ambition. But the short version of this review, simply, is this: I can’t really picture a better book than this one
I spent the early evening yesterday at the Berkeley anthropology library, which was officially to close at 5 p.m. It did not, because Occupy Cal occupied it