Pyttipanna (Links for the Week of January 26, 2020)

Pyttipanna: Swedish for "small pieces in a pan."

Image: St. John's University

  • Kids who watch cooking shows demand healthier snacks, new study finds
  • Trump's re-election bid expected to send stocks in fast-food companies skyward
  • Food waste in the U.S. an estimated $15 billion loss
  • Steam-table economics: The dollars n' cents behind all-you-can-eat buffets
  • Some $140 million in sales of organic food is of food fraudulently labeled so
  • Cake-eating contest in Oz kills one contestant
  • Brooklynites residing in Williamsburg push to wrest popular park from an equally popular yearly summer outdoor food market
  • Already food-insecure Kenya hit by plague of locusts of truly biblical proportions
  • Chocolate chip cookies to be the first food baked in space
  • Down with lab-grown food, up with agroecology
  • "Balmer" beta-testing various ways of eliminating its food deserts

I’m always taking suggestions for food-related articles, projects, thought experiments to feature. Send them to @AusterityKitchn, and let me know how you would like to be credited.