Pyttipanna (Links for the Week of March 29, 2020)

Pyttipanna: Swedish for "small pieces in a pan."

Image: National Museum of Health and Medicine

  • The COVID-ified food and drink scene in NYC, in pictures
  • Pennsylvania woman alleged to have coughed on $35k worth of food in supermarket charged as a terrorist
  • Looming kibble crisis: pet owners have turned to hoarding pet food as social distancing mandates tighten
  • Calls in the European Union for a bailout of food and drink businesses
  • One localvore's plea for more socially conscious food shopping in the wake of coronavirus
  • Coronavirus pandemic underscores the wisdom of victory gardens
  • Panic-buying means you may have to eat month-old eggs, USDA announces
  • DC-area food trucks struggle to adapt to social distancing's effects
  • Playing fetch: A pooch that brings your wine curbside for pickup
  • Tips for laying in food stores on a tight budget

I’m always taking suggestions for food-related articles, projects, thought experiments to feature. Send them to @AusterityKitchn, and let me know how you would like to be credited.