Pyttipanna (Links for the Week of September 8, 2019)

Image: Wellcome Collection

Pyttipanna: Swedish for "small pieces in a pan."

  • The Great Mac n' Cheese Swindle: Big biz and the "health-washing" of familiar instant boxed fare
  • Journo reflects on his subsisting on junk food for nearly a quarter-century
  • And a steady diet of junk food has robbed one UK teen of his sight
  • Food insecurity among American households finally back to pre-Great Recession numbers
  • Seeking to answer the burning question, Can dogs can go vegan?
  • In praise of "trash fish": The unsung virtues, gastronomical and ecological, of bycatch
  • If you're not eating offal, you're missing out on some great dishes
  • In Germany, a course in dumpster diving for food seeks to free young adults' minds from the bonds of consumerism
  • The national model for disaster preparedness is ... Waffle House?
  • Florida man breaks into a stranger's house and cooks himself dinner

I'm always taking suggestions for food-related articles, projects, thought experiments to feature. Send them to @AusterityKitchn, and let me know how you would like to be credited.