Lynne Stewart is 73 years old
Lynne Stewart’s prison register number is 53504-054
Lynne Stewart has stage-four cancer
Lynne Stewart’s cancer has metastasised to her lymph nodes, shoulder, bones, and spread throughout her lungs
Lynne Stewart’s medical treatment to arrest the cancer has been halted
Lynne Stewart is too physical weak to receive it
Lynne Stewart is transported to receive medical care in leg irons, belly chains, and wrist cuffs
Lynne Stewart is held in the prison hospital with wrist and ankle shackles
Lynne Stewart’s request for “compassionate release” was denied because the general counsel for the Bureau of Prisons said her “health is improving”
Lynne Stewart wrote that “the Bureaucrats, Kafka like, have turned down my request”
Lynne Stewart practiced law for 32 years
Lynne Stewart's mainly defended poor prisoners for 32 years
Lynne Stewart also defended federal prisoners for 32 years
Lynne Stewart is a federal prisoner
Lynne Stewart's court sentencing saw prosecutors asking for a maximum sentencing of 30 years to “not only punish Stewart for her actions, but serve as a deterrent for other lawyers”
Lynne Stewart’s indictment on charges of national terrorism was announced on The David Letterman Show by John Ashcroft
Lynne Stewart prefers John Ashbery
Lynne Stewart did not appear on The David Letterman Show
Lynne Stewart appears in a video on "her conviction, the law and poetry"
Lynne Stewart on occasion quotes Edna St. Vincent Millay, and from Seamus Heaney's verse adaptation of Sophocles
Lynne Stewart was a librarian
Lynne Stewart is a known human being
Lynne Stewart is triple times a mother (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother)
Lynne Stewart is held at the Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas
Lynne Stewart is scheduled for release in 2018
Lynne Stewart wrote in 2012, "It does not get better and I have to gut check myself regularly to be certain that I am resisting the pervasive institutionalization that takes place"
And Lynne Stewart wrote in 2012, "I am reminded of the rejoinder of a group of Panthers arrested and then beaten, when their lawyer said not to worry; 'The system does work.' One of them said 'Yeah, for who?'"