Sunday Reading

Hi there!


Jane Hu here (sometimes contributor to this weekly syndication) to let you know that I'll be updating Sunday Reading for the next little while. Our beloved Aaron will still be around (see his recommendations below!), but probably not as much (there's only one of him y'know). If you start to miss his words, there are literally years and years of them to be found back at the original zunguzungu. Anyway, like I said...





Los Angeles police fired their weapons in 63 incidents last year, a total which marked a roughly 50% increase over the shootings in any of the previous four years, according to the report. Beck has explained the increase by pointing to what the LAPD said was a 22% increase in assaults on officers from 2010 to 2011. Police officials counted 193 such incidents in 2011, which were recorded as assaults with a deadly weapon or attempted murders, according to the report.