On Aug. 15, 2011, Monsegur pleaded guilty to more than ten charges relating to his hacking activity. In the following few weeks, he worked almost daily out of FBI offices, helping the feds identify and ultimately take down the other high-level members of LulzSec and Anonymous, sources said. In time, his handlers allowed him to work from the home from which he previously wrought destruction, using a PC laptop provided by the FBI. His old battered laptop with its missing left Shift, L and 7 keys was turned over to the FBI, along with the encryption keys government sleuths needed to access his records and take them into evidence.
The white pit bull Monsegur bought shortly after his arrest sits at his feet, barking at all strangers who step off the elevator.
Monsegur maintained the same habits and online presence he did prior to his arrest as the young hackers he commanded sat alone in their rooms around the world, searching for vulnerabilities on websites and servers. Their leads were sent to Sabu, like offerings made to a monarch.
Read More | "EXCLUSIVE: Inside LulzSec, a mastermind turns on his minions" | Jana Winter | FoxNews.com