Sunday Reading

...fall. Feudalism now, and as social science fiction. Spontaneous order + hyper-federalism comes to Atlanta. Plutocrat paper shuffle. Karen Gregory: “There is you, and there is a thing bigger than...

Sunday Reading

...Karen Gregory: Sociologists for Justice Ferguson and America's Hatred of Democracy Reparations for Ferguson “Private Immigrant Prison” The Hunger Crisis in US universities To Tenured Faculty, In Support...

Sunday Reading

...ignore and erase blackness." Karen Gregory: Atlas of Historical Geography of the US Colonial Psychiatry, Magic, and Religions: The Case of Mesmerism in British India “The master starts plucking hairs...

Sunday Reading

...Charles Dalrymple Belgrave in Bahrain The death of John Gordon Lorimer in Bushehr What Russians and Ukrainians call each other Karen Gregory: How can we account for the current crisis...

Sunday Reading

...Pierre Trudeau broke the US-Canada special relationship How Americans Die Karen Gregory: The Workplace: Prison or Sanctuary Speculations on Bodies and Embodied Spatial Politics in the Transnational Virtual Labor Mobility:...

Sunday Reading

...shelters Nelson Mandela’s military training in Morocco in 1962 Karen Gregory: “As a nine year old, I didn’t think that Mrs. Azam looked much like a fortune-teller” “A tardigrade can...

Sunday Reading

...Karen Gregory: WitchTales: An Interview with Silvia Federici Theorizing the Web 2015: Livestreams Preternatural Machines Gawker is Making Unionizing Look Easy Report of the Independent Investigator into Allegations...

Sunday Reading

...banalisation of repression and the licence to kill In Literature, Concealing and Revealing Torture Karen Gregory: Tennille Allen Can't Breathe Death of Tamir Rice Ruled a Homicide City of Disorder...

Sunday Reading

...Muslims & South Americans in the Ottawa Shooting United Nations, Homonationalism and Queer South Asia ‘ontology’ is just another word for colonialism Karen Gregory: Sharing Economy’s First Strike The Sharing...

Sunday Reading racial pain threshold.” Karen Gregory: The Transition will Not be Smooth Sailing Special Economic Zone Instaserfs (audio) Could this be the biggest blow to Uber's business model? Uber, AIrbnb,...