Clear Satire

...satire isn’t is: a genre. Novels, tragedies, sonnets, horror movies, musical theater, and so on are all genres which you can identify as such by pointing to a fairly limited...

The Sabotage of Time

...Bermejo River; Chaplin vs. Keaton; supply chains; Ballard; cunning and speed. Relevant links are here (reserve a free ticket at the first one if you're coming):

Sunday Reading

...with Mariame Kaba ReclaimUC: "UCI Administration focused on protecting the University’s public image over the safety of its students." 5 ways fraternities are wielding major influence over university administrations The...

Sunday Reading

...Asia? ReclaimUC: Who's the boss? Complicating the critique of university administration No class today, no ruling class tomorrow: Lessons from the 1970 US student strike Disobedience and miseducation: Occupy and...

Sunday Reading

...Video Rihanna Could Have Made.... ReclaimUC: California students resist authorities' attempt to conflate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism Wisconsin's neoliberal arts Why I no longer eat watermelon, or how a...

Sunday Reading

...Mintz Five Things That Should Worry India How Diversity Destroyed Affirmative Action Debt and the Racial Wealth Gap ReclaimUC: Youth power against police brutality: San Francisco students stand in solidarity...