Now, you can party with a simulated version of yourself

Parties can be fun, but they can also be challenging. Are you having difficulties navigating invisible social norms? Not sure whether you’re having fun or pretending to have fun?

Through SIMPARTY, we've developed a way to extract the essences of an individual's personality—social tics, preferred topics of conversation, tolerance for small talk—and generate a digital avatar in order to simulate how they'd behave in a party with other simulated party guests. This avatar acts as a social canary, stumbling through faux pas and taboos so you don't have to. Now you can party with a simulated version of yourself. Sit back and watch this version of you hype up the crowd or ruin everyone’s night!

To house these simulated party-goers, we've created an MVP: "Minimum Viable Party." This simulated party will be projected into the environment of a parallel "real" party so that attendees can experience an alternative version of the night in which they act as their most essential selves. The performance of these digital doppelgangers will bleed into the living party through a series of simulated social contests. Does your avatar make the most people laugh? Drink the most? Exchange the most business cards? By winning these challenges, your meatspace self will enjoy a better party experience.

Finally, you can be the you you've always wanted to be.

Our first SIMPARTY takes place October 13th in New York. Click for tickets!