Sunday Reading



Silpa Kovvali:

  • This Wall Street Journal op-ed on final club culture at Harvard claims, “For 225 years, no one realized that...organizations [founded on the premise privilege and exclusivity] were really facades for 'gender discrimination, gender assumptions, privilege and exclusivity.'” (Literally everyone realized.)
  • The New York Times notes that David Cameron's case against returning stolen Indian artifacts is that the British have stolen lots of artifacts!
  • A fawning NYT profile of Queen Elizabeth I, published the same day, was doubly infuriating.
  • Yet it is the Kardashians and Buzzfeed, the paper claims, who are responsible for the demise of great journalism. “[N]ews organizations almost universally say that we’d all better find our own watermelons — and find them yesterday,” it shrewdly observes.
  • Technically Sunday Watching, but C. Robert Cargill seems blissfully unaware that Orientalist story lines can be remedied by making traditionally white characters Asian, not the other way around. (Bonus points for scoffing dismissal of “social justice warriors.”)
  • Happy to see more outlets coming to the defense of Monica Lewinsky, but a playful casting exercise seems like an inappropriate forum to address issues like slut shaming and sexual harassment.
  • The cultural icon we lost this week was “as gifted at mentoring female virtuosity as making music.” This 2011 New York Magazine profile of Misty Copeland is worth revisiting.




Jacob Remes:


Kerim Friedman: