- "All robots are designed to labour"
- "Ahmed was a 'conquest of philosophy.'"
- "Why the recent aggressive push for vote suppression policies now?"
- “You have no right to ask a ‘favor’ that dicks over 18 people”
- “But freelancers who start their days with sunrise yoga comprise only one facet of this workforce”
- It’s not the supply, it’s the demand
- How to be less of a jerk to students with anxiety disorders
- “the truth is no defense.”
- “it’s about a large and sweeping prison amnesty that America would never even consider”
- Strike to Survive
- How Banks Shortchange Their Workers
- Median Income Across the US
- “My own wordplay for it would be automatonation”
- 7 Selfies And What They Say About Authenticity
- Urban Studies in the Arabian Peninsula: Six Thoughts on the Field
- Magdi Wahba's memories of Cairo in the 1930s and 1940s
- Rue Georges-Picot, Beirut, 1958
- Too Many Enemies: The Palestinian Experience in Lebanon
- The Ismailis of Najran: Second-class Saudi Citizens
- Narrating the History of Malabar's Omani Connection
- History preserved in names: Delhi urban toponyms of Perso-Arabic origin
- Ahmed Khan, an Indian merchant in Marseilles, 1792
- Reflections of the First Muslim Immigration to America in Ottoman Documents
- The American crossword craze of the 1920s
- Evangelical house churches in Sri Lanka
- Armenian churches in India
- Armenian food in Dubai
- Mumbai's Iranian community
- Six Kal?lah wa Dimnah Tales: Thinly-Veiled Arab Spring Fables
- Saudi street art project 300 Camels
- What Hong Kong Looked Like 150 Years Ago
- Japanese dancehall reggae
- Three maps of Asia
- How do all the scandals relate?
- Financial crisis: no executives prosecuted.
- Who's deserving?
- Educational eliminationism.
- You can have it all (NSA Edition).
- Progressive global-scale wealth taxes needed.
- Insurers are jumping at the chance to deflect AIDS patients from Obamacare.
- Brilliant idea: Force the poor kids to sweep the floors. Merry Christmas, starving kids.
- "If the undeserving poor exist and deserve to be despised, then so do the undeserving rich." But only shunning the former could help your credit score.
- Moribund left.
- We don't own the data; it owns us.
- In summer, kids run with excitement to the treats in the bread truck.
- What Obama can do now to reduce inequality.
- "Raphael stared at the 35 items still on the conveyer belt, the ones she would have been able to afford before the government cuts."
- "Art could, by prefiguring the ideal culture, push society into the future."
- “Fiddling With Freedom: Solomon Northup’s Musical Trade in 12 Years a Slave”
“It’s a fascinating process to work in a language that is both yours and not yours.” - “Anticolonial Visions: Revisiting Paul Gilroy’s The Black Atlantic in 2013”
- “This, finally, is how I reconciled, or at least tried to, fiction and fact: Melville's tale describes the deep structures of a racism that were born in chattel slavery but that didn't die with it, a racism that, in the United States at least, was grafted on to, while at the same time disguised by, a potent kind of individualism, a cult of individual supremacy, based not only on the fantasy that some men were born natural slaves but that others could be absolutely free.”
- “Cuba to Eliminate Currency for Foreigners”
- “The People Behind Your Images of Luxury”
- Teaching Niall Ferguson a (Colombian) history lesson
- Almost Human: The Surreal, Cyborg Future of Telemarketing
- "We don’t belong to the class of Indians who get arbitrarily whacked by the police."
- Rabbi Brant Rosen: "Why I Support the ASA Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions"
- The Real Story of Linda Taylor, America’s Original Welfare Queen
- Can Bill de Blasio Stop Gentrification? Can Anyone?
- States with higher black turnout are more likely to restrict voting
- Mastering the Chinese Chop System
- Avoiding work by claiming to be a CIA spy
- A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004
- Misreading Feminism & Women’s Rights in Tehran
- How U.S. schools misteach history of racial segregation
- In Praise of the Takht
- C.L.R. James’s last interview, in podcast form
- Beirut 2012: “The city is one big construction site.”
- “modern British austerity can function as a bellwether for how global capital sees the future of its human assets, and right now people with mental health problems in Britain are royally screwed.”
- Tracing The History Of 'Zombie' From Haiti To The CDC
- “NYU is a university born of a labor riot.”
- We Need to Talk About Yarmouk
- “But unlike the gangs, the violence of the police is the violence of the state, and thus unaccountable to North Lawndale.”
- Your Friends and Rapists
- The Worries of a Syrian Rebel Commander
- “There was no escaping the burdens of secrecy and fear that came with being gay in India in that era, even for privileged gay men and women.”
- People of Color in European Art History
- Remembering Janet Lippman Abu-Lughod
- Turkey’s House of Cards Moment
- Something Called ‘The Object’ Has Stopped The World’s Largest Tunneling Machine (under Seattle)
- Oral History in Disaster Zones
And, Scott Ross: Weekend Reading