graphic by Christian Bowe.
What if the earthquake is just the camera shaking, and we all play along, like on Star Trek when the ship rashes into something?
- “The lesson of the minaret: every tyrant will fall and the city remains.”
- Guantanamo Prison Library book for detainees
- “West Virginia’s Radio Quiet Zone has become a gathering place for the hypersensitive since the mid-2000s”
- Inside a mile-deep open-pit copper mine after a catastrophic landslide
- “Disaster management people know that the first round of help always comes from the ordinary people who live around the area.”
- The Marathon I Want to Remember
- “On the few occasions when we graduate students write for each other, I think we indulge our worst instincts”
- Anthropologists Explain How to Approach Aliens Parked in Earth Orbit
- John le Carré Has Not Mellowed With Age
- On Being Brown in America
- The Wrong Kind of Caucasian
- “these images reveal a little-known religious tradition in Xinjiang—its desert shrines to Sufi saints.”
- A Song of Lament for Syria
- Bradley Manning, Bayard Rustin, and the Perversion of Pride
- "this real, if unplanned, alliance between terrorism and the media"
- "I saw anchors and reporters staring at their phones, hoping a new nugget might arrive to give them something to say"
- "Cable news is dead, but something keeps animating the corpse"
- "many of the declarations whizzing around Boston look like sympathy but smell like attention-seeking"
- "This is the privilege we don’t talk about, because to say “privilege” at all is to possess it: Intelligence"
- "I hope when enthusiasm for this new big data toy wears off, people will invest their energies in results that matter"
- "the big lie perpetuated by Chrysler’s stories is that its recovery is America’s recovery"
- "fast-food and retail workers of the world, unite—because, you know, YOLO"
- "Human genes do not augment the body, they are the body"
- "memes circulate us rather than vice versa"
- "social networking sites are not a separate realm of political activity"
- "We need a multitude of what I call “Denial of Positivism (DoP)” attacks from various directions"
- "the Google car was treated with deference no matter how recklessly we drove"
- "“No, but I’ve seen the GIFs,” I offered. This is what the future of music videos is up against"
- "hardcore narcissists are put off by Facebook because it reveals that they are not the center of everyone else’s universe"
Currently reading Lorraine Adams' Harbor.
- Whiteness and Tokenism on the Runway
- Collapsing Factories and the “End Death Traps” Tour
- Goldmines
- Students Avoid ‘Difficult’ Online Courses
- Cheating to Learn: How a UCLA professor gamed a game theory midterm
- (Graham) Greene on Benzedrine
- Many students stay away from online courses in subjects they deem especially difficult or interesting
- The generalized resource curse and From the generalized resource curse to communism
- Counting with Abraham: Love, Justice, and Boston
- Hate Reads
- The Changing Face of Caucasian.
- UC Irvine Frat’s Blackface Video
- Marina Abramovi?: “My Facebook people!”
- The Wrong Kind of Caucasian
- Low Wage Worker’s Strike, Because YOLO
- Decoding Disinterest (video)
- Obituary
- brofilin
- Muslims in America
- Privacy is 'off the table' in a 'post-9/11 world,' says New York City police chief
- Valedictorian
- The Virtues of Excrement: Lili Loofbourow on Blogging and the Academic Life
- Just a Couple of Young Secretaries
- What Went Wrong in West, Texas — and Where Were the Regulators?
- Take Your “Love it” and Shove it
Rahel Aima's Elsewhere on the Internet
Backslash Scott's Weekend Reading
I owe reclaimUC an email, which has gone politely unmentioned by reclaimUC.
- On gift horses and Trojan horses: The proposed aquatics center at UC Berkeley
- UC Irvine Asian-American frat's blackface video is as bad as it sounds
- Freeze flame, black fire
- We interrupted a variety show and are receiving death threats
- Before MOOCs, "colleges of the air"
- The MOOC monster will never be satisfied
- Colleges as country clubs
- The industrial classroom
- Colleges are slashing adjuncts' hours to skirt new rules on health-care eligibility
- Are student loans becoming a macroeconomic issue?
- " . . . figures like Hwang and Hauser are not outliers so much as one end on a continuum of dishonest behaviors that extend from the cherry-picking of data to fit a chosen hypothesis—which many researchers admit is commonplace—to outright fabrication."
- The human capital strategy (pdf)
- The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the largest university in Latin America, is occupied
- Mexican teachers' strike gains momentum and takes on the state
- Where tuition is free
- The wrong kind of Caucasian
Storifying the internet.
- Kenneth Goldsmith on UbuWeb and the Poetry of Archiving
- Six English words you didn't know came from Arabic
- The development of Urdu in the 18th century
- A Dead Portuguese City in India (1887)
- Arabic in Sicily
- Women Literati and Ottoman Intellectual Culture
- Visualizing Palestine: Design Against Injustice
- John Lieder and his Mission in Egypt: The Evangelical Ethos at Work Among 19th-Century Copts
- Review of On Hinduism by Wendy Doniger
- Podcasts on philosophy in the Islamic world
- The history of sleeping patterns
- Life in Beirut’s defunct Gaza Hospital
- On speaking Russian in Iran
- Yiddish in salsa italiana
- English-Language Resources for Arabic Poetics
- Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean
- Palestinian Ghettos in White Wall Galleries: The Problem of Nationality
- Gustave Flaubert's encounter with the Coptic monks of Gabal al-Tayr
- The Indian who discovered Ella Fitzgerald
- East Africa's Indian house crow problem (and why house crow populations have grown since 9/11)
- A collection of old footage of the Trucial States/UAE
Folding talk of structural violence like you fold a croissant or chapati.
- what resembles the grave but isn’t
- The Non-Performativity of Anti-Racism
- Stereoscopic views of Detroit
- What you Can’t Expect when you’re Expecting
- In praise of Ciara
- Anywhere but Here: Kowloon “Anarchy” City
- The changing face of “caucasian”
- If media covered America the way we cover foreign cultures
- Stoya <3 (but when can we get a profile of skin diamond?)
- "she was disappointed to death."
- Manhunts Appear to Be the New Car Chases
- Right Wing Media Exploit Boston Bombings To Attack Government Assistance Programs
- Mount maker keeps museum's treasures safe
- Richard Dawkins and the ascent of madness
- Meet Robert Lipsyte, A Pro-Steroid Sportswriter and ESPN's New Ombudsman
- How Tim Duncan's Post Moves Resemble the Classic Video Game Bushido Blade
A propos of nothing, some of the most tall and genial people I've ever met from twitter contribute to Sunday Reading.
- E.L. Konigsburg (1930-2013)
- Time Wasting Experiment
- Inside the Harvard tenure star chamber.
- Did making up a Patient Zero do more harm or more good?
- Looking historical verisimilitude in the face.
- "If a German chancellor had said the same thing, he or she would have had to resign.”
- How we respond to different types of violence.
- The Boston manhunt and the labor question.
- Unions as shitty employers.
- "Middle class."
- State-building and civil-society-building after the Ya'an Earthquake.
Sinking into prose, baroque and lush.
- “People wonder why reformers themselves aren’t held accountable.”
- “Where is your vanguard? ?????????”
- “Had one or more of the Rana Plaza factories been unionized, workers could have refused to enter the building the day it collapsed”
- “As a basic rule of thumb, the longer a book on Spartacus is, the less historically accurate it is likely to be.”
- “The upcoming documentary will, of course, deal with the life of a Jewish girl from Calcutta who ran away from home when she was a teenager to dance in a travelling theatre company run by Parsis. “
- Corners of the world where women have yet to tread.
- Leonid Brezhnev on the phone in his underwear.
- Diamond “can only describe—and imagine—the Papua New Guineans he has encountered in the language he uses to describe birds.”
- Charting long-term unemployment.
- “Bro, she doesn’t have a lota. I’ve used her bathroom. It’s not there.”
- “some international schools have built gigantic, futuristic-looking domes over sports fields to ensure healthy breathing”
- “apolitical money is a dangerous illusion”
- A Yahoo Pipe which generates an RSS feed of every link in every Sunday Reading.
- “Why are you in Hiroshima?” “A film.”
- Last Two Speakers of Dying Language Refuse to Talk to Each Other
- Speakers Of Tonal Languages Better At Processing Music (Or is it just that they spend more time at KTVs?)
- “the fundamental premises and methodology of Chen’s paper are so shaky that we really cannot take his sweeping conclusions seriously at all”