Essays & Reviews Paths to Gory By Michael ThomsenJune 16, 2015 Human Centipede 3 is interpretive chum as catharsis
Essays & Reviews St. Cthulu in the Anthroposcene By Quinn LesterApril 13, 2015 No matter how far they run, contemporary horror writers can’t escape their genre’s racist forbearers
Essays & Reviews The New Kid By Corey EastwoodSeptember 18, 2014 Joseph Harms’s debut novel of high school depravity Baal is trying too hard in all the right ways
Socialism and/or Barbarism "it's blessed queer!" "It is blessed queer!" he agreed. "It's damned queer!" By Evan Calder WilliamsAugust 15, 2012 a queer knowledge remained of wet, peery eyes