Essays & Reviews Blood and Glory By Karla Cornejo VillavicencioSeptember 11, 2017 After 9/11, the bodies at Ground Zero were made heroic; the immigrant bodies that cleaned them up, less so
Essays & Reviews Scents of an Ending By Mahmoud MrouehAugust 28, 2015 The #YouStink protests will either consign the Lebanese regime to the dustbin of history, or go in its place.
Essays & Reviews Myth of the Garbage Patch By Maya WeeksMay 22, 2015 The massive plastic trash gyre isn't an island, it's the disaster of capital circling the globe on ocean currents
Essays & Reviews MoW Memorandum By C. Greig Crysler and Shiloh KruparMay 15, 2015 tA prospectus for a new Museum of Waste, which hopes to inform guests and visitors of trash's intersections with capital, ecology and sovereignty.
Essays & Reviews Bodies of Water By JB BragerMay 12, 2015 Disappearance is not just a euphemism for state murder; it’s intrinsic to capitalism’s need for disposable classes
Essays & Reviews City of Praise By Sara BivigouMay 8, 2015 London’s discarded lots become holy ground
Essays & Reviews The Grouch By Sam KeoghMay 7, 2015 Sesame Street’s Oscar is all thinkable archetypes of the outsider, scrunched into the shape of a safe cartoon.