The Sabotage of Life @ The New School

Blogger and contributor Evan Calder Williams will be giving the fourth and final lecture in his series on sabotage, joined by Contributing Editor Hannah Black:

The last in the series, this lecture tackles the last aspect of sabotage responsible for the century’s worth of attacks on it: its negation of the centrality of “life” as an ideal to organize around and in defense of. Contrary to many of its most recent advocates, sabotage does not suggest the surge of an irrepressible human vital urge against “deathly” mechanisms of capital and state. Instead, it produces a crack in the assumed bond of human-life-work, insists on dangerous collaborations with mechanisms both inhuman and “against life,” and reminds us that only those who insist on the primacy of life itself could support one so unlivable.

Topics include: birth strikes, Neo-Malthusian and otherwise; animation; hostile objects; material feminist urban design; slapstick; unwaged time.

Wednesday May 14th
7 - 10 pm
25 East 13th Street
Room E206 ("The Glass Corner")