'And I'm trying to say this in the most diplomatic way because I'm not the most diplomatic person," he said. "It doesn't belong to us. It's like a neighborhood that doesn't accept anyone under the age of 20 because they're worried that they're going to tear the place down. It's supposed to be a town for everyone. I want to be part of Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame, but I don't want to be part of the kind of Hall of Fame that's based on voters' beliefs and assumptions.'
If you believe I'm a bad person, if you believe I'm a drug person, then I don't need to be a part of it. If you don't want to put me in for those reasons then that's fine. No worries. I'm OK with it. If you want to put me in for what I did as a player, that would be great. I'd love to be in there with everyone else who deserves it.'
Read More | "Bonds on first Hall ballot: 'I do really care'" | Barry M. Bloom | MLB.com