A cloaked drone faces itself down in a mirror
Up at La Furia Umana: a new essay, departing from Joseph Losey's Figures in a landscape toward condominiums, Bourne, raptors, choppers, reverse shots, death from…

Domesticated WildCats
Everything is crime when work and crime do not call out to each other over the fall’s roar, forever pledging revenge.

the weapon of the disinherited
grazie, Alberto

Prends garde: à jouer au fantôme, on le devient
This assimilation to space is necessarily accompanied by a decline in the feeling of personality and life. It should be noted in any case that…

Vampire architecture
Low-rent cousin of The Hardware. Where the diurnal undead mill about forever on shag that never quite feels dry, not ever. From the inestimable terriblerealestateagentphotos.com

1983 - 1962
The dead occasionally twitch and so it goes with the cinema…

Some covert wonder
The fucking quinoa was on fire.

An inauspicious beginning
Like cancer or money or dusk, no one could ever say precisely when it started.

Re: Ordinance Prohibiting the Possession of the Tools of Violence And Vandalism During a Demonstration
Camouflage that makes all rioters look like local businesses, camouflage that creeps down the throats of riot police on little rat feet.

A Contribution to the Critique of John Mayer
To recognize the fact that John Mayer has not been executed calls into doubt our entire conception of history.

Invisible architecture
Despite apparent affinities, cinema's kissing cousin is not TV but the hotel.

A moment in The Exorcist where the shattered body of a meddling priest lies at the bottom of a staircase next to which is written FIGHT PIGS as of course it should be

A guillotinable mass of lame
Sincerity is terrifying and beauty is nothing but the backwash of terror.