The Open Secret
Every system of supremacy produces victims, but in a masculinist one it produces silenced victims

A female comedian anonymously contacted me on Twitter direct messages in 2012 divulging Louis CK's predatory sexual behavior and seeking an outlet. The urgency and detailing of despair left no room for inaction, though I had no prior relation or interest in his professional pursuits, nor knew her personally. With her blessing I contacted journalist John Cook who investigated her story and published a blind item. Back on Twitter, one woman, perturbed that the allegation was unsubstantiated, publicly unfollowed me. Also upset were some male fans whose comedic idol was beginning to lightly court a tainted reputation. The anonymous woman who had originally contacted me quietly disappeared from view, and I never heard from her again. Open secrets left untreated fester over time. They reveal to all involved—except the predating individual and the alliances that buttress that violence—their lack of social agency. Rumor and gossip become an… Read More...