“Those who hate you can’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself,” said not Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi but that gentle soul Richard Nixon...
Sports lends itself to abstraction. A whole baseball game gracefully nestles into a box score; football and basketball playbooks look like charts for a free-jazz board game...
So this is Sunday Reading / And what have you done? / Another week over / And a new one just begun / And so this is Sunday Reading / I hope you have fun / The near and the dear one / The old and the young
Happiness, fitness, long-life, wisdom, creativity: all these things have been just within reach since Marcus Aurelius. Yet, somehow, we don’t seem to be getting any better...
“Witch” stands for all those unnamable shadow acts of disappearance and withdrawal, self-cultivation and self-medication that elude the social and sexual order...