Bloodless Coop racially stereotyped stock footage of dark-skinned men spearing a wild animal) felt a deep libidinal, biological, and seemingly pre-discursive affinity for flesh, a trait contemporary humans also share: “We...

Bees Are Dying without honeybees, and ultimately argued that “humans would probably not go extinct (at least not solely for that reason).” Truly, “humans would probably not go extinct” is the ¯\_(?)_/¯...

#mybodymyhome (iii)

...Ark (1984), a world that starts with the immortal Doro and Anyanwu and concludes with an ongoing, genocidal battle between their descendants—the telepathic patternists—and humans modified by an alien microbe—the...

Serf Boards Peter Cohen as a way to solve problems with Amazon’s ever-expanding data set. The premise was that a distributed crowd of humans could easily complete tasks that computers found...