Clear Satire amateur comedian himself, he had come to decide that “satire” simply isn’t a thing, and that when people say any variation on “Well, it’s clearly satire,” they are talking...

The Sabotage of Time

...Bermejo River; Chaplin vs. Keaton; supply chains; Ballard; cunning and speed. Relevant links are here (reserve a free ticket at the first one if you're coming):
Chess pieces, King and Queen, Randy Pagatpatan. (Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0)

Living Chess

...Lady Thomas appears in only one game on the popular database, from the first Women’s International Chess Congress in 1897, which she lost to Mary Rudge, the ultimate champion...

Calm Before, Calm After

Since its 1998 release on the original PlayStation, the Japanese role-playing game Xenogears has become a cult favorite distinguished by its intricate 10,000-year backstory and ambitious plot: As players and characters slowly come to realize, the final boss is none other than god itself, and the game ends with its defeat. In the aftermath, the