Sunday Reading

...bias in academe: an annotated bibliography It's the data, stupid: what Elsevier's purchase SSRN also means The commencement speaker racket "When transferable skills come to dominate education and employment above...

Sunday Reading

...a D.C. Bikeshop is Joining a Radical Socialist Union Data and Discrimination Close Reading the Database Random Course Evaluation Generator Labor and the New Encyclopedia Remarks on Rod Ferguson's The...

Sunday Reading

...rise of digital infidelity The death of the theorist and the emergence of data and algorithms in digital social research. Hong Kong’s protesters demand democracy, but not for its domestic...

Sunday Reading

...conference in Baltimore & urban big data conference in NYC. Bint Battuta: Simone's Funeral: Egyptian Lives, Jewish Deaths in 21st-Century Cairo A requiem for the Jaffna Library The future of...

Sunday Reading

...Non-Reproductive Futurism An Interview with Saskia Sassen Bringing Guantanamo to Park Avenue Big Data, New Epistemologies and Paradigm Shifts A Sociology of Algorithms (video) Angry Olives Practically Marzipan: What 'Black...

Sunday Reading

...right to scuttle her commencement address American kids have to be protected from chopsticks Turns Web Pages Into a Useable Data Table Things to Know When Talking About Race...

Sunday Reading

...“My mother got all the care she needed and no one presented her or us with a bill” Congressional Data: conservative outside money 4X greater than liberal. The ultimate scorecard....