...where I teach. You can still say “those kindergarteners” to anyone who was there at the time and they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about. It feels both factually and...
...mineralogical survey and where Ethel Mariet would find her passion for weaving. Art from overseas played a role in trends in London as objects from Japan, India, and Persia were...
...crisis of the commons Inside Bill Clinton's nearly $18 million job as "honorary chancellor" of a for-profit college Cashing in on the culture wars "[A]fter LSU football suffered an upset...
...Is addiction a deeper form of distraction or a desperate escape from it? What the video game Dota 2 can teach us DEPRESSION and addiction are hard to distinguish...
...and the reporters, with their notepads and video cameras at the ready, tried to get a more linear response, the resulting give-and-take was a piece of performance art in itself....
...A bilingual guide for LGBT disaster preparedness in Japan Clinton and the teachers' unions Antisemitism at the DNC How Republicans Tried to Flip the Jewish Vote and Created Donald Trump...
...be worthy in its own right—as it is for Muslim women. We live in a culture that's pretty confused about women's bodies, surveillance, "responsibility," the gaze, and sexuality. Wearing hijab...
...bother me or gross me out. My great-grandmother was born in Japan, and my grandmother and my father were born and raised in Kauai. Being part Japanese adds another element...
...and what many expect will stand as his magnum opus. Published in Japan in three installments beginning in 2009, the novel was released in North America in a single volume...
...the freedom to shed it—and were likely raising their daughters with the knowledge that nylons were no longer a must. (And in Japan, where pantyhose sales are growing as well,...
...Bad Statistics on Women in Medicine (The Wall Street Journal) Women’s Participation in the Medical Profession: Insights from Experiences in Japan, Scandinavia, Russia, and Eastern Europe (Journal of Women’s Health,...
...science fiction. Japan-centered science fiction like Gibson’s tends to champion the exceptional, technologically realized individual: “console cowboys” who, by sheer dint of their idiosyncratic brilliance, can move nations. In contrast,...
Reading Canada’s and Sri Lanka’s anti-terror acts reveals the need for comparative and cross-jurisdictional resistance to globally self-justifying discourses of “terror”