...the West understands it, did not exist as a concept in Chinese culture until Han Han’s generation discovered it. And like their foreign counterparts, they find it an endlessly renewable...
...opportunity to thrive through rigorous and ceaseless testing. I imagine that some view the Occupy unrest in this light; our culture's well-groomed and highly educated elite could be looking out...
...Sullivans of the gay community has been successful. They profit from having denigrated the massively innovative public sex culture, which was the social basis of gay politics, as unthinking promiscuity...
...money, many of these artists are now faced with shrinking budgets and crowded release windows, which makes their work smaller in scale and less relevant to the culture at large....
...am not the culture of Lululemon. Everyone is the culture of Lululemon." (Ayn Rand would be so disappointed!) Who will succeed her is anyone's guess; Forbes predicts Lululemon will make...
...body and embed it within the culture of busyness. If clocks are agents that shape human actions, is it valid to assume that clocks are an “other”? By making sure...
...practice eludes codification, it provides a living resource for the preservation of oral culture ... Senior executives, because of the authority they enjoy, have been able to preserve the orality...
...writers like Gaiman, Morrison, Moore, and Ellis. As comics culture has become more mainstream, the room for oppositional comics is restricted. Hellblazer now sells a third of what it did...
...and offer a real editing process and a space for reflection and critique on issues of race, gender, labor, family, love, music, sickness, sexuality, faith, trash, money, everything. All this...
...is not to revel in cynicism or absolve complacency through defeat but to acknowledge that music nurtures despair as often as it redeems it. It instills feelings of exclusion with...
...the dirt, all the shared silence to listen for murmurs, all the dogs who come from afar to smell life through meters of rock. But often, as happened today, when...
...the office to report. ReclaimUC: The teaching class The disruption machine Torturing schools Starbucks, college access, and an unquestioning media The Starbucks tuition plan: "a business plan . . ....