Crisis and domestic work (On self-reduction, shoplifting, and other forms of gender war)
Domestic work today means to literally give over your own life to that of others (kids and husband), to their spaces, to their times, to their rhythms.
[Self-reduction slogan: "We'll pay 8 lire per kilowatt, just like the bosses"] The following text was from the first issue of Lavoro Zero - Giornale dal Veneto [Zero Work - Journal of the Veneto], an Italian communist journal from the '70s. As noted, it's from the Veneto region, that same tough-as-hell area from which came two of the earlier texts translated (here and here). Crisis and domestic work “How the economic crisis determined a rise in the burden of domestic work for women” The first major division within the world of labor is that of waged and unwaged labor. In the statistics and the inquiries that look at the labor market, a major mystification is at work: that only those who receive a wage are considered “workers.” Instead of all the strata of the population that don’t fall in the… Read More...