Sunday Reading

...or congenitally disabled subjects. ReclaimUC: Academic labour and the capitalist university Washington state legislature passes budget *cutting* tuition at public universities "I am, in very real ways, a primary source,...

No Man Righteous

...emptiness that derives from a culture that sends perennial mixed messages about “doing your own thing” and “being cool.” These slangy phrases vulgarize the ideal of self-realization, which consumerism reduces...

Sunday Reading from India “Practice resurrection.” ReclaimUC: The family that primitive accumulates together, stays together. Will UC Berkeley occupiers get justice? The impact of budget cuts on California's community colleges A...

Sunday Reading

...Being-in-the-world Miguel James, Against the Police ReclaimUC: The college trap that keeps people poor Why is my curriculum white? Color-blind racism in the push to repeal affirmative action in higher...

Sunday Reading

...Innocent Man? Delusions of the Democrats The Limits of Alternative Africas Why I Left United Airlines Chinese characters and eyesight ReclaimUC: "Predictable" The University of California's failed funding model "The...