...About Discovering Science ReclaimUC: Breaking away: Top public universities push for "autonomy" from states Grad students make up 15% of the students in higher ed but account for 32% of...
...Art from Christian Bowe. ReclaimUC. I bond with RUC over data dumps. Highlights include: "Never waste a crisis." –Jamshed Bharucha, President of Cooper Union (p. 10); "There were...
...Patagonia Humans of Tbilisi Straight Allies, White Anti-Racists, Male Feminists (and Other Labels That Mean Nothing to Me) ReclaimUC: War, palaces, huts, peace. "UC Berkeley has had a long and...
...Roma 'I'll Be Your Mirror': Lou Reed and the New York School of Poetry Poop Train The Gladwell pivot ReclaimUC: UCLA + LAPD = "Predictive Policing" Racial discrimination, administrative toleration,...
...meaning and importance of full reproductive health care Building freedom of association, including the right to strike The work of organizing McDonald's makes its emotional labor visible. ReclaimUC: California's "pepper...
...Whence Muhammad? The cries of New-York What's in an aroma? Languages with odour vocabularies ReclaimUC: "While UAW 2865 doesn’t have investments of its own…UAW International and UC are currently invested...
...Sanders, Trump, Obama, and the failures of redemptive constitutionalism and technocracy What does the Democratic Party stand for? Canada's rape kit problem ReclaimUC: Yale gags rehired cafeteria worker Gag me...
...Brooks With Allies Like These ReclaimUC: The UC grad student union on confronting a rapist who was a "prominent member" UC Regents launch LIBOR lawsuit... while approving a new corporate...
...ReclaimUC: UC Berkeley researcher who questioned herbicide's safety loses lab funding Reflections on the occupation movement at UC Santa Cruz in 2009-2010 On the abandoned UC presidential mansion Quiet no...
...U.S. schools remain "highly segregated" The Potential Condescension of “Informed Consent” Palestinians Live What Israelis Fear ReclaimUC: Interview with Robert Meister on the UC system and public higher education "…feminist...
...for pilau 1940s US Army guide to Calcutta 1940s UK propaganda posters in Arabic The history of the chemistry set ReclaimUC: The Blum Center takeover manifesto Richard Blum, "Alpha...
...(and former law enforcer) takes on Yale Law Prof. The "“Tea Party Caucus” of corporate and securities law professors," and its rewards. What would Mirowski say? ReclaimUC: The New York...
...Like It's Never Seen a Black Person Before The March on Washington in Historical Context French Mayor Bans Oscar-Nominated Muslim Film The Invention of Clumsiness ReclaimUC: The high-flying job of...
...ReclaimUC: Graduate students of the world, unite! Class size and class struggle: Organizing lessons from the UC Santa Cruz strike The afterlife of the humanities Academic labor and the future...
...of Gaza Sick, sad world - Aaron Bady on the failures of the rhetoric of innocence Stanford, we are complicit in Gaza violence ReclaimUC Notes on the "electoral victory" of...
...ReclaimUC: At some other Berkeley UC still thinks we're too stupid to appreciate its logo "Berkeley has mortgaged itself in perpetuity to the success its football team." MOOCs...