The detectives navigate through physical spaces for the entire film – dark hallways and alleyways, disorganized rooms and offices, crowded buildings and eateries...
Everybody talks about the weather —“but nobody ever does anything about it,” jokes Charles Dudley Warner. Everybody talks about it, Ulrike Meinhof repeats, but "we don’t.”
It is high time that Confessional Jounalists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Confessional Journalism with a manifesto of the tendency itself.
To celebrate the conclusion of our subscription drive, TNI offers all readers free, downloadable guidebook collecting Michael Seidenberg's complete unsolicited advice column from the first year of The New Inquiry Magazine, for your reference on today’s apocalypse and the many more to come.