Sunday Reading

...lives & stop corruption? "Arbitrary & capricious." Kerim Friedman: Air pollution leading cause of cancer The Insidious Power of Not-Quite-Harassment Computing Power Used to Be Measured in 'Kilo-Girls' Arresting the...

Sunday Reading

...sometimes surprise even historians. Frank Pasquale: Steve Jobs, criminal mastermind. Will digital planning replace capitalism? Machine learning competitions. When did feudalism replace capitalism? To bone up on big data, read...

Sunday Reading

...Black People Anguish of jailed lawyers' families Perspective on Elie Wiesel's Legacy Du Bois’s Modernist Data Visualizations Undermining the Monarchy The Counter-Revolution of 1776 Fear of Slave Revolts Reclaim UC:...

Sunday Reading

...are Falling Down on Digital Workers Uber, or: The Technics of Socially Corrosive Mobility Uber's Convenient Racial Politics 2016 Presidential Race Emerging as First Uber Election Uber: When Big Data...

Sunday Reading

...Dataveillance (video) A Data Revolution for Whom? High-Tech Hand Work Typewriter, Telephone, Transistor: Labor Politics in Three Formats New Topics in Social Computing: Data and Education Our Universities: The Outrageous...


...been so much for us to doubt. Historians of information claim that in the past few decades, our species has produced more data than in the entire prior span of...