Cops 2

...of police activity, peddling a “Dropbox for cops” that stores bureaucratic violence in the cloud. New approaches of predictive policing also recast old biases as innovative technology, as artist and...
Vol 38: Futures


...that the cloud holds for our pasts, bringing her experiences as an archivist to bear on the necessary absences of any internet archive. As more and more of our lives...

Sunday Reading

...around the world: a fight against commercialisation The Curse of Lee Kuan Yew Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life China Moves to Rectify Public Dance Routines Searching for Foucault...

Trump 2.0

...former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura, who had just been elected governor of Minnesota in 1998 and who was busy reshaping the party in his own image--“fiscally conservative but socially liberal”--with...