Clear Satire could come up with—I am told, again by my friend Jonathan Shelley—was far from universally understood as satire, at the time. You just can’t know for sure. What this...

Sunday Reading

...meetings. Standardized tests about standardized tests Common sense on the Chicago school closings No, the Baumol effect is not the cause of price increases MOOC professors claim no responsibility for...
Chess pieces, King and Queen, Randy Pagatpatan. (Flickr | CC BY-ND 2.0)

Living Chess

...Lady Thomas appears in only one game on the popular database, from the first Women’s International Chess Congress in 1897, which she lost to Mary Rudge, the ultimate champion...

Reform School

...measure themselves through ever more standardized tests. Still, the same class interests that created American compulsory education and reinvented it once are not satisfied. Here’s how Goyal describes today’s corporate...