...migrant Cities of jasmine, roses of beloveds: scent, identity, and culture in the Middle East The Socioeconomics Of Bad Weather In Jordan Seeds of Sudanese Identity: Unsettling the Logic of...
...whether or not Negarestani draws this term from Trotskyist turned Neoconservative culture warrior David Horowitz, who used “kitsch Marxism” first in his 1999 book Hating Whitey: And Other Progressive Causes...
...culture. The British public's fascination with details of Wilde's trials resulted in a broad condemnation of his character. Even in homosexual circles, Wilde was persona non grata for the rest...
...de-sexualized barbarians whose country we must infiltrate and dominate to protect our citizens from current danger and our culture from future threat. But it is clear that the helpless and/or...
...is the utopian dream of a future predicated on abundance and ease. Erected in its stead is a nightmare vision of ruthless, zero-sum competition. Culture distinguishes itself from nature only...
...or "I agree," or "This is awesome"? At first it seems like one of those accidents of popular culture, where an arbitrary boardroom decision eventually dictates our everyday language. In...
Raquel Salas Rivera and Carina del Valle Schorske discuss Latinx poetics and what it means to be a Puerto Rican poet and translator after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
...economic globalization, life within America was becoming ever more vertiginous, as American culture was situated at the vanishing point reflected in two mirrors pointed at each other. Growing up as...
...of TV in Fiji was probably a pretty big fucking deal and that maybe Baywatch was less of a culprit than the shifting notions of culture, family, leisure, and communication....
...hot air and opacity, contributing to a general impoverishment of British political culture. His polemic is censorious yet witty, offsetting a surly, jaded disaffection — the man, one feels, has...
...state that the face is a redundancy in Western capitalist culture. 14. Fame is said to have a price, but fame is all price. The cost of human cost. 15....
...1903, he opened Physical Culture City in a New Jersey suburb. Residents devoted themselves completely to being healthy. They didn’t smoke or drink. They wanted never to detach from the...
...whose situation makes salon work the best job option for you—but you come from a culture that considers touching other people's feet a demeaning taboo? ...And Everything In Between: Red...
...everything is always beta. "Hacker culture is also extremely open and meritocratic" -- of course it is, just like neoliberalism, or capitalism itself. Markets always let the deserving "win." I'm...
...journey” may have been an appropriate structure for George Lucas’s Star Wars or Steve Case’s AOL business plan, but it was no longer an appropriate map for a culture that...
...results, “On Circlusion,” at Mask Magazine in the summer of 2016. Ever since, especially in the semi-offline and subterranean passageways of global queer culture, the text has enjoyed cult classic...