The detectives navigate through physical spaces for the entire film – dark hallways and alleyways, disorganized rooms and offices, crowded buildings and eateries...
We're delighted to announce that bloggers Maryam Monalisa Gharavi (South/South) and Aaron Bady (Zunguzungu) have joined The New Inquiry's editorial team as Editors at Large. Maryam…
The Rumpus, The Millions, HTMLGIANT, Bomb Magazine, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Gigantic and The New Inquiry presents: Let's Make a Movie! November 29th,…
The opening shot of the film is a wide image of a hotel room that introduces Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) and Sam Loomis (John Gavin) to the audience; we are essentially intruding voyeurs peeping into their private space from a distance
The online journal Interiors combines film theory and architectural design precision to explore one film a month. Click through to see fan favorites from Beauty and the Beast to Raging Bull diagrammed.
Here at The New Inquiry, we worry that we haven't published enough content on pieces of clothing that - in and of themselves - constitute outfits. That ends now.
A bodiless treatise on narration, bored speakers, audience misbehaviour and police megaphones, but: is anybody listening? Here’s Evan’s proposal: “A bodiless treatise from a criminal…