The revolution in female sexuality made possible by vibrators finds its sinister counterpart in the revolution in warfare made possible by unmanned aircraft
The spylike pursuit of information rather than knowledge makes us function less as thinkers than processors, personal computers — and inefficient, low-powered ones at that. We are not the subjects who know things or intentionally produce knowledge; we are instead means of circulation — objects through which information passes with more or less noise in
“Inattentive,” “rude,” and “dumb” service workers damage the value of their bosses’ product in subtle acts of psycho-social sabotage so pervasive that an entire industry of mystery shoppers has sprung up to combat it
[r]Image by imp kerr[/r] Gender determines the shape of our fantasies. Good little boys are supposed to dream about changing the world, but good little girls are…
New Inquiry editor Samantha Hinds sat down with media theorist Douglas Rushkoff in the green room of Engadget TV for a discussion that ranged from Occupy Wall Street to his new graphic novel, A.D.D., about a team of speed-addled young gamers.
A few months ago, I dissected a squid. The squid was unsurprisingly strange: all tentacles and ooze and sets of sharp hidden teeth. But the dissection was strange, too.
Former Los Angeles Times book critic Susan Salter Reynolds and writer and editor Willie Osterweil talk about what it means to be a working writer in a precarious economy and how it has changed the nature of written culture and book reviewing.